10 Strategies for Coping with Difficult Emotions

Penni Osborn shares with us some useful strategies for coping with strong, negative emotions when they arise, and also suggestions for maintaining inner calm so that when difficult feelings do appear, they are less challenging to sit with and can be used appropriately in guiding us towards that which may need to be addressed.


Emotions are a vital part of what makes us human; they are our guides and motivators and are essential in helping us navigate the world. They tell us what we do and don’t like and what we need. Sometimes, however, they can be powerful and overwhelming. Here are ten ways to cope with, and manage, intense feelings: [Read more…]

Anxiety: What Lies Behind (Part 2)

In this second post on what may cause us to experience anxiety, Penni Osborn explores ‘self-concept’; how it is formed and why, if incomplete, it can cause stress and unhelpful thinking styles, that can lead to anxiety.


Our self-concept can be simply defined as a fairly comprehensive, general idea of who we are – what we know about ourselves from a physical world perspective. Our interests, what we do and don’t like, what we’re good at, where we might need to improve and our strengths and weaknesses. When it’s complete and accurate, it guides us to make decisions that work best for us. [Read more…]

Anxiety: What Lies Behind (Part 1)

In a series of three posts, Penni Osborn shares her knowledge of some of the underlying reasons for anxiety. Taken from different schools of psychology as well as her own anecdotal experience, Penni introduces some fundamental perspectives on where anxiety may originate, so that those who endure can add a ‘because’ to their experience, opening up the opportunity to heal the cause and so reduce anxiety.


In the school of psychotherapy called Transactional Analysis (or TA for short) it is suggested that for most of us, our autonomy is under the influence of a concept known as ‘Drivers’. Drivers are said to develop during childhood and are the internalized messages of our parents or caregivers that we learned in order to stay feeling ok. Because these messages were absorbed very early on, they tend to be quite deeply rooted and often outside of our conscious awareness, but it is possible to notice them through our behaviours. There are five Drivers in total. Here’s what they look like: [Read more…]

Finding Peace – Mindfulness

This wonderful introduction to mindfulness is by guest author Ashley Davis Bush, LCSW who is a psychotherapist and author of Shortcuts to Inner Peace. 

It’s tempting to think that you need the tropical beach, the hammock by the lake, the walk in the woods, the yoga retreat or the special meditation cushion in order to feel the “ahhhhh” of inner peace. We all have certain props or places that we use to jump start that special sensation of anchored contentment. [Read more…]

Am I burning out or just stressed?

Stress is a natural and normal physiological response to challenging or unexpected situations. In the world of business and service deliverability stress can also be defined as “demand that exceeds the available resources”. So, when does stress inhibit our roles and performance in life?

Some stress is ok for us!

It causes our bodies to release stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which helps us to take immediate action in the face of danger or difficulty. It can also give us energy to work on important projects, and even enhance our performance and problem-solving ability. [Read more…]

Understanding and Avoiding Resentment

Today, Penni Osborn explores the uncomfortable feeling of resentment; what it is, what causes it and how it’s potentially harmful effects – physical, mental and emotional – can be avoided.

What is Resentment?

A pervasive feeling that creeps up on us when we feel we have been treated unfairly, resentment is an emotion that sits somewhere between anger and disappointment. As a stress inducing emotion, it can be damaging to us physically, as well as potentially being a highly destructive force within our significant relationships. Signs of resentment include being short-tempered, using passive-aggressive communication, having less empathy or emotionally withdrawing from the person we feel resentful towards. A variety of things can trigger resentment, but two key areas to explore are unfulfilled expectation and poor boundaries. [Read more…]

People Pleasing: Time to Refuel

At this time of year, when we are perhaps feeling under pressure to please others, we look at how we can notice and reduce ‘people pleasing’ behaviours, refuel our ‘emotional tanks’ and be more present for others by being kinder and more compassionate to our ‘selves’.

Putting other people’s needs first can seem like a noble thing to do, but when it becomes all we do, this can be problematic, not least because eventually we can run out of ‘fuel’ – physically and emotionally, leaving us unable to do much for anybody, including ourselves. [Read more…]

How to Unwind After a Long and Stressful Day at Work

We thank our guest Kurtis Wilcox for sharing these great tips with us.

Restoring energy inspires a more positive outlook on life, which is no fun for those who are over-worked and suffering from constant stress. This article will help provide easy, gentle, and effective ways to relax and recharge after work for better sleep, brighter mornings and a bigger smile. [Read more…]

How Does Yoga Decrease Anxiety?

We welcome guest author Gabie Lazareff, a certified health coach, yoga teacher and freelance nutrition & wellness writer. After years of navigating the messy waters of mental health, her mission is to share her experiences and advice with others.

Through breathing, the simple practice of breathing, with intent on a regular basis can help to decrease anxiety. But how does breathing decrease anxiety? And what does breathing have to do with yoga?

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How to Deal with a Toxic Work Environment

Do you dread Monday morning? Will you be thinking about work this weekend instead of enjoying it with family or friends? Do you hate your job or is there something more to it? This wonderful infographic guides us through identifying if we are affected by a toxic workplace and some of the things we can do to alleviate the issues we may facing.

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