10 Strategies for Coping with Difficult Emotions

Penni shares with us some useful strategies for coping with strong, negative emotions when they arise, and also suggestions for maintaining inner calm so that when difficult feelings do appear, they are less challenging to sit with and can be used appropriately in guiding us towards that which may need to be addressed.


Emotions are a vital part of what makes us human; they are our guides and motivators and are essential in helping us navigate the world. They tell us what we do and don’t like and what we need. Sometimes, however, they can be powerful and overwhelming. Here are ten ways to cope with, and manage, intense feelings: [Read more…]

Ways to Relax in Tough Times

Does anyone in the room right now feel a little stressed? Stress is the key factor that leads to the development of nerves, overload, or anxiety. A short guest author post for your consideration.

As the majority of the world remains quarantined today, I am writing this while confined to my home. I don’t know what else to call it if this isn’t a period of increased tension and anxiety. [Read more…]

Anxiety… Not today, thank you!

In this powerful piece, our in-house therapist, Penni Osborn shines a light on the origins of anxiety, highlights ways in which anxiety can manifest and offers suggestions on how symptoms can be managed.

Now, more than ever, anxiety is making its stomach-churning self known. In these times of such uncertainty, it has latched onto our fear receptors and is making even those with the strongest of constitutions struggle with its message of impending doom. So, what can be done? How can we manage something that makes us feel, at times, so helpless and afraid? [Read more…]

5 Ways to Deal with Body Image Issues

Many a time we assume body image issues affect only the young due to peer pressure and media pressure but this isn’t necessarily so. Whatever our age, we can benefit from these quick tips by Rebecca Brown who is an avid traveller who has had the amazing opportunity to travel to dozens of countries around the world, showcasing her experiences on Rough Draft.

In a recent Mission Australia Youth survey, 33% of respondents listed body image as a personal concern. Body image is shaped by a wide variety of factors. Some of those factors, like genetics, we cannot change.

But, Instagram posts with ultra-toned bodies are some triggers we can go without. You may be tempted to delete your social media profiles, but don’t let the pesky entertainment industry beat you. Here are a few quick tips that will help you appreciate how awesome you are! [Read more…]

How to Deal with a Toxic Work Environment

Do you dread Monday morning? Will you be thinking about work this weekend instead of enjoying it with family or friends? Do you hate your job or is there something more to it? This wonderful infographic guides us through identifying if we are affected by a toxic workplace and some of the things we can do to alleviate the issues we may facing.

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Stop selling! I wish to decide for myself.

An interesting piece by Tim, our resident guest writer taking a look at NLP.

I seem to be tripping over folk in Psychology Today at the moment. I blame Bob, because he’s highlighting articles that are worthy of our attention through his Twitter account. He showed me this piece, How To Deal With Nerves Before A Presentation and I almost like it.

“Will you never stop criticising?” I hear you yell at me!

And the answer is that I will, but in my own time. It’s just like your decision to read this piece. I’m just a smidgen critical this time, though, not angry. [Read more…]

Dealing with the Symptoms of PTSD

Other than using the Rewind Technique, which I have found to be the kindest treatment for dealing with symptoms associated with traumatic events, there are many other treatments and activities which can help alleviate the symptoms a sufferer is experiencing. Here, Robert Johnson guides us briefly through what PTSD is and some of the options available to those living with the symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex-PTSD (cPTSD).

As we know, life consists of ups and downs which we overcome daily. When we think about any type of mental disorder, just think of the ‘many more’ ups and downs that those people need to deal with. For PTSD, the battle with fear and anxiety is a long one and can last the whole day. It can also continue through the night when the reliving of the events is frequent. In order to understand PTSD, it is important to have it defined before proceeding. [Read more…]

How Dogs Can Help Improve Our Mental Health

From the time spent with Arthur, our rescue Lurcher, I know only too well the joy and benefits that owning a dog can have. Our guest, Will, here shares some of the benefits having a four-legged friend can have with regard to our mental health which is based upon his excellent 12-part article written for Dog Owner.

Mental health issues can affect anyone – it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do for a living. It can be hard to talk about our mental health with those closest to us, and the fear of being judged or labelled as something we are not (lazy, entitled, high strung) is often enough to deter us from fully sharing the way we feel. However, many of us have our dogs, or the option to visit one.


They offer the love, a listening ear when we need it and can benefit a myriad of mental health issues.


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Overcoming Flying Anxiety: A Quick Guide

Despite us knowing that flying is the safest way to travel, we still see a rise in numbers of those who experience some form of anxiety when flying or even thinking about flying! More than a quarter of Americans get anxious and over here in the UK reports vary between 1 in 10 and 1 in 3! Whatever the numbers may be, this anxiety can limit our life experiences and hinder us when wanting to live life to the full.


Over 21 million Brits are now more scared of flying compared to 10 years ago, new research has revealed, with engine failure the biggest fear factor. The study showed that people in the UK now take an average of three flights every year. – Mail Online


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As someone who’s been owned by both cats and dogs, it’s a joy to share this wonderful infographic provided by Catological reminding us of the many benefits cats bestow upon us. It has also taken me back in time to past family members, Chloe and Puss.

I can recall only too fondly, Chloe, our black cat of nearly two decades, and Puss, a rescue that was with us for less time than deserved. Despite Chloe being part of our family much longer than Puss, both have left indelible and beautiful memories, or paw prints, on our lives.

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