Frequently Asked Questions


Yes! For couples, working together, 90-minute sessions are available at £110. Shorter sessions can be catered for on a pro rata basis.

I am sorry to say that addiction services are outside of my scope of practice. However, I can signpost you to a most useful resource at Rehab Recovery

Yes. For those who are unable to travel, find commuting a challenge, or are uncomfortable with meeting in person at this time, consultations and therapy are provided via a number of other mediums and are subject to suitability. These can include Zoom, Skype (with or without video), online via email or instant messaging (IM), telephone or text, or a platform of your choice subject to agreement.

Each session is at least one hour, but longer sessions can be catered for on a pro rata basis.

I have various appointment times available that can be arranged between 11am and 6pm from Monday to Thursday. However, requests for appointments outside these times may be facilitated.

With effect from March 2021, my fees are as follows:

  • For individuals, online and in-person, £90 per 60-minute session. This would include services such as psychotherapy, CBT and mindfulness, counselling for relieving the symptoms of anxiety and depression, Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN), and the effects of living with narcissism. (Please note that for individuals requiring deep and/or complex trauma resolution who would benefit from EMDR or The Rewind Technique, these sessions may run up to 90 minutes and are suitable for those with PTSD, C-PTSD, or OCD and phobia.)
  • For couples, working together, 90-minute sessions are £110 (or part thereof).
  • A limited number of concessionary rates are available upon application.

Unfortunately, no! However, I do have clients whose employer settles invoices through the company books or accounts payable.

Various payment options are available such as via bank transfer or using a major credit/debit card. Please confirm the payment options available prior to your first session. Please also note that online sessions are confirmed via payment in advance.

Yes. It’s clear that there are times where cancelling a booked appointment may be necessary. However, it should be stressed that when booking an appointment, the service provider has committed that time and the facilities to that booking and contract. You are buying something of value, whether it is possible to attend or not.

When you book an appointment, you are reserving a room and my time exclusively for your needs. If you need to cancel your appointment for any reason, you may do so (without charge) by giving at least 48 hours notice. This allows me enough time to re-book the cancelled appointment slot and avoid unnecessary service disruption. It also provides an opportunity for those on the waiting list to be accommodated.

Please note that “no shows” and cancellations with less than 48 hours notice will be charged for in full. If you need to cancel your appointment please call 07747 042899. If you get through to voicemail, please leave a message stating slowly and clearly:

  • that you wish to cancel
  • your name and telephone number
  • date and time of your appointment
  • whether you wish to reschedule

I can then contact you to make arrangements for an alternative appointment should you require one.

I have suffered with anxiety and depression on and off for probably 10 years.

I am just completing 8 sessions of CBT following a period of decline Sept 2014 but the therapist has been unable to do much CBT focused work due to my low mood and extreme emotion. I feel I need more intense therapy which she agrees and my GP has referred me back to mental health team.

My occupational health adviser suggested a referral to a psychologist for longer term support and medication review but my GP thinks this is unlikely and to be honest I’m so confused about what is available and what to do next. I am desperate to reduce my medication and try and get my life back but am finding a massive lack of support to do this. I seem to have yearly breakdowns in mood and ability to function and would so love to prevent this, rather than wait for it to happen and keep having medications increased.

Would be very grateful for your advice. I currently take 375mg Venlafaxine and 15 mg Mirtazapine daily.

Thank you so much.

Thank you for your question and for sharing your story to date.

It’s pleasing to read that you are determined to interrupt what has become predictable for you. Finding that ‘key’ to unlocking your negative thoughts and emotions is, as you are aware now, paramount.

There is generally (sadly) no long-term therapy available via the NHS other than any ongoing support from your GP and others who see you in primary care. It’s both pleasing and heartbreaking that you recognise what is required if you are to have an opportunity to reduce your symptoms.

Unless you can find the finances required to see a private therapist the options are to  continue to search for your own solutions where available. This is how I finally came to find my ‘peace’.

When you buy care from psychological services privately, you do have an opportunity for your strategies to be created in collaboration with the therapist, so it becomes a bespoke program that is unique for you, and driven by you. There is also greater accountability for both!  

Without understanding more about what you have tried and experienced over the ten years or so I couldn’t suggest anything more specific at this time. For me however, it was Mindfulness and learning the practise this way of ‘being’ that has brought the greatest change.

I wish you every peace and thank you again for sharing. Do get in touch if I can help any further.

Individuals of all ages (age 15 and over) for matters arising from family disharmony, relationships at home, school or work. I meet and collaborate with individuals for resolution of their anxieties, phobia’s, certain addictive behaviours, symptoms of depression, pain management, stress, sleep disorders, and any number of other psychological challenges outside of ‘serious’ diagnosed psychiatric conditions.

If you are unsure, or have any questions, please drop me a line.

Building trust, and maintaining confidentiality, is a fundamental condition therapists must take great care to build and preserve. Confidentiality is a core requirement, with the only exception being where the risk of substantial harm to the client (or another person) cannot be mitigated. It is very rare that confidence is challenged, with most scenarios being managed within the discussions.

I just wanted some ‘peace’; my mind was constantly ‘chattering’ from when I awoke in the morning – to last thing at night.


Counselling is essentially an interactive, human, and personal experience between two people and requires a commitment of time and effort to create an effective process for both therapist and client.

The aim of the counsellor is to empower the client with a strategy to regain balance in their life.

Improving the chances of success will require teamwork, listening skills of the therapist and consideration to utilising any one or more adjuncts and techniques drawn from established best practice, including the most up-to-date modern standards. Examples of models of assistance available from Anglia Counselling’s therapists to consider and offer to the client are:

Any of these may be useful and are dependent on the individual’s challenges and approval. Any techniques for consideration are discussed beforehand to ensure the client has a full understanding of what is involved and how it may help.

In any interaction, personal development, motivation, and ultimately a more relaxed outlook is the desired outcome whilst offering supportive coaching of the individual around work, relationships, health, and other relevant matters in a non-judgemental, private, relaxed, and considerate way.


My performance at work has returned. I have re-discovered my creativity. I’m more mindful both at home and at work.


Anglia Counselling adheres to the code of practice of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy and insurance arrangements are available for you to view within the consulting room.

This is in your hands (to a degree) and will be dependent upon:

  • the skill of your therapist
  • your commitment
  • the strength of the client/therapist relationship

At Anglia Counselling, I can work with you for short-term focused guidance or longer-term requirements. The time to end the sessions is when new actions are no longer needed and you feel empowered. YOU will decide this. The aim is to provide you with the skills to manage emotions, and behaviours, resulting from your past and today – and to provide you with a strategy to manage future emotions in a more positive and healthy way.


I just couldn’t seem to shake the low moods and feelings of depression for very long. I wondered if this was how life was always going to be.


Counselling is suitable for those in need of a private and confidential environment with a non-judgemental listener who can help guide them to greater peace and calm; who will resolve, with them, to manage preconceived reactions to situations, relationships, and environments. Counselling helps address:

  • feelings of stress and low moods
  • mind-chatter and useless thoughts
  • low self-esteem
  • those who are sufferers, now, or in the past
  • those who have been involved with abuse or trauma in any form

I was so anxious and stressed all the time. It was wearing my relationships out. I owed it to myself and my family to alter these feelings.

You can find the Anglia Counselling offices at Rosemary House, Lanwades Business Park, Kentford, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 7PN


Kentford is on the Moulton Road out of Newmarket, and about 3-4 miles out on the B1506. The two best routes to find my office from the A14/A11 and the Newmarket area are either:

If arriving from A14 or A142 (Exning) you can either go into Newmarket, up to the old clock tower roundabout and left at the High Street. About a mile down this road (heading towards Bury St. Edmunds) are traffic lights, turn right here and this is the Moulton Rd. 3-4 miles along this road and on the right-hand side you will see the sign for Lanwades Business Park (just beyond the Animal Health Trust).


An often easier route is to head on A14 (from Cambridge/Newmarket) towards Bury St. Edmunds, take the A11 Thetford/Norwich exit, travel approximately 2 miles, then exit at Chippenham/Fordham/Kentford. At top of slip turn right and Kentford is signposted for the next two miles until you reach a cross-road junction. Turn right here and approximately 100 metres on the left is Lanwades.


Pull into Lanwades and locate a parking spot beyond the first buildings on the left where most parking spaces are available to all site users.

If you look to the left as you drive in, you will also see a walkway which leads you to a courtyard of cream painted buildings, one of which is Rosemary House. Our offices are located just through the entrance doors on the ground floor. If you would like someone to meet you at the doors, or outside near the parking area, call us upon your arrival.

Rosemary House, Lanwades Business park


Normal appointment times fall between 11am and 6pm, Monday to Thursday (except for bank holidays).