10 Strategies for Coping with Difficult Emotions

Penni shares with us some useful strategies for coping with strong, negative emotions when they arise, and also suggestions for maintaining inner calm so that when difficult feelings do appear, they are less challenging to sit with and can be used appropriately in guiding us towards that which may need to be addressed.


Emotions are a vital part of what makes us human; they are our guides and motivators and are essential in helping us navigate the world. They tell us what we do and don’t like and what we need. Sometimes, however, they can be powerful and overwhelming. Here are ten ways to cope with, and manage, intense feelings: [Read more…]

Anxiety: What Lies Behind (Part 3)

In her third and final post around the subject of what may lie behind the experience of anxiety, Penni shares some valuable information about the different neural pathways involved in anxiety.

Two Neural Pathways to Anxiety

There are two primary neural pathways for anxiety; the cortex and the amygdala. Each pathway can initiate the emotion of anxiety in different ways. Understanding which pathway is behind the experience of anxiety can help in choosing the best way to address symptoms. [Read more…]

Hidden Emotional Needs

In this, her latest post, Counsellor and Therapist Penni shares with us some thoughts about where denied emotional needs may reside and how we can reconnect – and respond effectively – to them.

Unconscious Self-Sabotage

Many are familiar with the term “self-sabotage” – meaning to get in our own way and prevent ourselves from achieving our goals and fulfilling our hopes and dreams. Not always a conscious choice, self-sabotage is often driven instead by the unconscious – the part of our psyche that operates outside of conscious awareness – that can leave us confused as to why we have said or done something that is completely opposed to our conscious choices, wishes and perhaps, our best interests. [Read more…]

Understanding Anger: Managing and Reducing Unnecessary Outbursts

Anger is a natural human emotion that we all experience from time to time. It can arise due to various triggers, such as frustration, injustice, or feeling threatened. While anger can be a valid response, it is essential to learn how to manage and reduce unnecessary anger. [Read more…]

DEAR MAN: An Effective Communication Tool

Here, in her latest post, Penni shares a communication tool, taken from Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), that can be used when achieving an objective in an interpersonal interaction is required.

For some of us, the prospect of raising an issue or asserting ourselves within our relationships with our partners, friends, colleagues or employers can feel very daunting. Below is an example of ‘DEAR MAN’, a tool that forms part of DBT’s ‘Interpersonal Effectiveness’ skill, that can be used when you would like to obtain an objective in an interaction with another whilst being respectful to both yourself and the other person.

The acronym ‘DEAR’ refers to what you say and ‘MAN’ refers to how to say it. [Read more…]

5 Tips to Reduce Anxiety

Unlike fear, anxiety is all about perceived future based threats – the ‘what-ifs’ that we all experience from time to time. Anxiety tells us to fight or run (which, if we are under threat, would be the right thing to do!) however, paradoxically, if the anxiety alarm rings when it doesn’t need to and we respond, we actually reinforce it. [Read more…]

Lockdown Cabin Fever: Life in a Pandemic

At the time of writing, much of the planet is facing a ‘second-wave’ of COVID-19. The global economy is being challenged, the poor are getting poorer, the sick, sicker, and all our perceptions of thinking we have any level of ‘control’ are being fractured. But, is the outlook really all doom and gloom?

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Anxiety… Not today, thank you!

In this powerful piece, our in-house therapist, Penni Osborn shines a light on the origins of anxiety, highlights ways in which anxiety can manifest and offers suggestions on how symptoms can be managed.

Now, more than ever, anxiety is making its stomach-churning self known. In these times of such uncertainty, it has latched onto our fear receptors and is making even those with the strongest of constitutions struggle with its message of impending doom. So, what can be done? How can we manage something that makes us feel, at times, so helpless and afraid? [Read more…]

How Walking Can Help Manage Our Stress Levels

We welcome back Rebecca Brown, a translator and avid traveller, a book worm and horror flick enthusiast. Her job has given her the amazing opportunity to travel to dozens of countries around the world, and then write about them on Rough Draft. This time around, Rebecca covers how walking can help us to manage our stress levels.

The physical effects of walking are well known to us all – it increases our cardiorespiratory fitness, bone and muscle strength, as well as endurance. At the same time, walking contributes to fat reduction and better weight management, thus reducing the risk of many chronic diseases.

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