Navigating Family Relationship Challenges During the Christmas Holidays

The Christmas holiday season brings joy, warmth, and togetherness. It’s a time when families come together to celebrate, exchange gifts, and create cherished memories. However, this time of year can also come with its fair share of relationship challenges, as the pressure to create a harmonious environment can often be overwhelming. In this blog, we will explore some common family and Christmas holiday relationship challenges and provide tips on how to navigate them effectively.

Communication Breakdown

One of the most common challenges faced during the holiday season is communication breakdown. It’s not uncommon for families to have unresolved issues or differences of opinion that can lead to tensions. During this time, it is crucial to prioritise open and honest communication. Create opportunities for family members to express their thoughts and feelings, ensuring everyone feels heard and validated. Practice active listening and avoid interrupting or becoming defensive. [Read more…]

The China Doll That Got Picked Last for Teams

Once again, Tim hardly needs an introduction to this series based around the China Doll. He evokes many emotions and continues to enthral us.

I promised myself that the third piece I wrote about China Dolls would be the last. Then, as I sent the last piece to Bob for him to decide about suitability to publish this one crept into my head. The last three had ready made titles. They forced their way into my head and insisted I write them whereas, this one snuck up behind me and whispered into my ear. [Read more…]

Emotional and Physical Wellbeing for New Mums

This interesting piece was contributed by Jackie Edwards who is a freelance writer. Here, she discusses baby blues, postnatal depression (postpartum depression) and the differences.

If you have recently welcomed a new addition to the family, then you don’t need to be told what a life changing experience it is. In fact, there are not really any words to describe the effect that it has on your physical, mental and emotional state. The subjects of postnatal depression and the baby blues are topics that are often mentioned, but seldom really understood. Here we discuss both conditions and talk about coping strategies such as counselling and accepting assistance to help you adjust to life as a parent. [Read more…]

Choose to Come out on Fire from the Hells of Anxiety

Guest author, Herbert, is a creative writer at Greatpaper. He values the importance of family towards his craft, and travels to give his writing a fresher perspective. He is fond of hiking, biking, and engaging in extreme sports. This week Herbert is sharing in our continued discussion on the subject of anxiety and his relapse with GAD. [Read more…]

Encouraging Positive Thinking in Children

Guest author Matthew Snider is a writer, a personal development junkie and a regular blogger at Self Development Secrets. Matt, with his one quarter Asian descent, did not start out as a writer, but he says, “the love for a subject is the most important aspect of writing. The readers want to read something written by someone who understands them.” [Read more…]

The Rise of Divorce and the Single Parent Family

Reviewing some of the demographics for couples and individuals who presented for relationship advice, and for their individual emotional and mental health conditions; research shows that in the UK, in 2012 there were a recorded two million single parents, up four hundred thousand from 1996. [Read more…]