Self Care: What is that… exactly?

In this post, Penni Osborn shares with us her take on what self-care really is and what areas we can explore and/or improve, to achieve more of it.

“Self-care” is a term seen often in the media, but doesn’t seem to come with much of an explanation of what it actually is – other than the obligatory ‘hot bath and scented candles’ advice. Self-care is, in my opinion, about seeking out that which nurtures us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, i.e. caring for the whole self. It’s the ongoing development of a decent, good enough relationship with the ‘self’. After all, it’s the only person we will have a life long relationship with! Here, I share a few of my ideas of what self-care could be. [Read more…]

Understanding and Avoiding Resentment

In this post, Penni explores the uncomfortable feeling of resentment; what it is, what causes it and how it’s potentially harmful effects – physical, mental and emotional – can be avoided.

What is Resentment?

A pervasive feeling that creeps up on us when we feel we have been treated unfairly, resentment is an emotion that sits somewhere between anger and disappointment. As a stress inducing emotion, it can be damaging to us physically, as well as potentially being a highly destructive force within our significant relationships. Signs of resentment include being short-tempered, using passive-aggressive communication, having less empathy or emotionally withdrawing from the person we feel resentful towards. A variety of things can trigger resentment, but two key areas to explore are unfulfilled expectation and poor boundaries. [Read more…]

Toxic Relationships and the Importance of Boundaries

Toxic relationships are harmful and destructive connections between individuals that can negatively impact one’s physical and emotional wellbeing. Relationships without boundaries are characterised by a lack of respect, control, and manipulation.

Part I

In a toxic relationship without boundaries, the partners may engage in behaviours such as constant criticism, *gaslighting, or even physical abuse. There may also be a power dynamic in which one person attempts to control the actions, thoughts, or decisions of the other.

*Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow doubt in the mind of their victim by making them question their own perception of events or reality.

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What to Do If You Are a Highly Sensitive Person

With gratitude to our guest author, Pol Cousineau, from CPA (Quebec) and Soul Success Unleashed who discusses HSP.

Many individuals experience a range of emotions daily. Maybe you’ve asked yourself, Am I being too sensitive? Or how do I become less sensitive? 

It is human nature for some people to experience a high intensity of feelings regarding their situations or the experiences of others. But just like how tall a person is, there’s no right amount of sensitivity. Highly sensitive people are no worse off or better than any other individual, they just look at life from a different perspective. [Read more…]