Self Care: What is that… exactly?

In this post, Penni Osborn shares with us her take on what self-care really is and what areas we can explore and/or improve, to achieve more of it.

“Self-care” is a term seen often in the media, but doesn’t seem to come with much of an explanation of what it actually is – other than the obligatory ‘hot bath and scented candles’ advice. Self-care is, in my opinion, about seeking out that which nurtures us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, i.e. caring for the whole self. It’s the ongoing development of a decent, good enough relationship with the ‘self’. After all, it’s the only person we will have a life long relationship with! Here, I share a few of my ideas of what self-care could be. [Read more…]

Grow Your Own Self-Esteem

Penni Osborn, shares with us here her imaginative and her inspirational perspective of self-esteem, and how we should all get growing more!

When I think of healthy self-esteem I imagine it as a flourishing garden, filled with beautiful flowers, shrubs and trees. Pastels and vibrant hues nestling side by side in a wonderfully natural space, each existing exactly where it should be – confident and comfortable to be where they are – each individual plant or tree has earned its rightful place in amongst all the other plants and trees. And when some begin to fade (as some plants do with time), new seeds arrive creating an ever-changing environment; alive, thriving and continually renewing and growing. [Read more…]