Grow Your Own Self-Esteem

Penni Osborn, shares with us here her imaginative and her inspirational perspective of self-esteem, and how we should all get growing more!

When I think of healthy self-esteem I imagine it as a flourishing garden, filled with beautiful flowers, shrubs and trees. Pastels and vibrant hues nestling side by side in a wonderfully natural space, each existing exactly where it should be – confident and comfortable to be where they are – each individual plant or tree has earned its rightful place in amongst all the other plants and trees. And when some begin to fade (as some plants do with time), new seeds arrive creating an ever-changing environment; alive, thriving and continually renewing and growing. [Read more…]

You Are as Worthy as You Choose to Be!

A trait most commonly observed in the therapy room is low self-esteem. As a professional ‘observer’, I also see this in the wider world too. Celebrities, wealthy individuals and those who to the untrained eye, “have it all” are actually often seen to be in great distress. I have never been a celebrity or had the burden of wealth, but I too was one who others shared their thoughts – “I wish I could be in his shoes!”

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Self-Generosity: Secret to improving self-esteem

Guest author, Amy Phillips-Gary at Personal Growth Planet shares her thoughts with us on generosity and self-esteem.

Generosity is an admirable and positive character trait.

When I describe someone as “generous,” I am usually referring to the way that the person gives of his or her time, energy and resources to others. Generous acts can range from donating money to those in need to spending an afternoon volunteering to letting your spouse have the biggest piece of pie. [Read more…]