Selective Connectedness

It’s New Year’s Eve 2012, and like many, I find myself musing over the last twelve months. I’m lucky that nowadays I have learned to celebrate with a brief reflection, that which deserves celebration, and just as briefly remind myself of that which I have learned from less pleasant, but no less important and even welcome stuff.

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Lonely Thoughts

I recall being about 14 yrs old. I was at school and whilst moving from one lesson to the next recall thinking “no one else thinks like me, my thoughts are so intense”. Of course, I was mistaken, but in that moment… and for some considerable time after, I believed I was the only one in the world; it felt really, deep and lonely!

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Under the Influence

Under the influence of… positive or negative? Clearly our life and the experiences we realise are a mixture, and hopefully a balance of the two influences. Just as with happiness and sadness, without both in our lives we could not recognise one from another. [Read more…]