Is All Counselling the Same?

There are more than one hundred talking therapies available to help guide you through your emotional and mental health challenges. With so many, which one is right for you?

Clearly, I’m unable to cover all available options here… even if I knew them all! What we can do, however, is explore a short journey around some of the offerings, and considerations.

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The Rise of Divorce and the Single Parent Family

Reviewing some of the demographics for couples and individuals who presented for relationship advice, and for their individual emotional and mental health conditions; research shows that in the UK, in 2012 there were a recorded two million single parents, up four hundred thousand from 1996. [Read more…]

As the Kids Arrive, the Sleep Leaves

This is a guest post I provided for Helen Neale at KiddyCharts.

I’m unsure at what point this was ever part of the plan! Yes, of course I wanted a family, and yes, I knew it would be tough… how tough though, when sleep deprivation occurs for us – and our children.  We do get lulled into thinking that once our baby passed through the milk demolishing, nappy destroying and sleep hating stage; surely, the worst is over?

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Finding Alignment in Your Relationships

I have pleasure sharing another wonderful guest piece, kindly provided by the terrific Danielle Pierre; a friend from the US introduced to Anglia Counselling by Sonya of the LeanOnUs community #LOU. Danielle is a certified life coach, hypnotherapist, author and co-hosted D-Talks Radio with Denise Brown.

A Work in Progress

Building and maintaining a healthy relationship is an ongoing work in progress. In our world of social networking, it can become even more challenging not to fall into the trap of online illusion and fantasy. Online access and instant gratification have become the new norm and although it may have its pros, it also has its cons, especially when it comes to creating and maintaining healthy relationships. In this world of instant change, many relationships and marriages have fallen to the wayside only to find the grass was not as green on the other side as they had first imagined. [Read more…]

Why You Still Need Substance Abuse Counselling After Rehab

Guest author, Javier Fitzgerald, writes about counseling, addiction and education. His most recent work is entitled “How Do I Become A Substance Abuse Counselor?” Making the decision to go into rehab is a huge one, and you should be commended for it. You’ve taken the first step to starting fresh and new. Still though, you must continue to attend substance abuse counselling afterwards for the following reasons:

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Selective Connectedness

It’s New Year’s Eve 2012, and like many, I find myself musing over the last twelve months. I’m lucky that nowadays I have learned to celebrate with a brief reflection, that which deserves celebration, and just as briefly remind myself of that which I have learned from less pleasant, but no less important and even welcome stuff.

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Festive Season Sees Increase in Family Breakup and Divorce

Mediation and counselling, when used together, can provide solutions for a less bitter and more harmonious future for all those affected by the trauma of relationship and family breakup.

The Pain of Family Breakup

“When the family is in pain and suffers the emotional turbulence associated with family separation and divorce, it is possible to do more to offset at least some of the emotional trauma for those affected.”
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