The Impact of Arrested Development on Relationships and Self-Esteem in Adulthood

Childhood plays a crucial role in shaping our emotional, cognitive, and social development. However, when individuals experience arrested development during this period, their growth and maturation may be hindered, potentially leading to lasting effects on their relationships and self-esteem in later life. [Read more…]

Some Demographics of Counselling Attendees in the UK

Introduction: Who goes to counselling and why?

Counselling plays a pivotal role in the mental health and well-being of individuals, offering support and guidance to those facing various challenges. In the United Kingdom, counselling services have become increasingly popular over the years as mental health awareness grows. This article explores the demographics of people who attend counselling in the UK and sheds light on the reasons why they seek such support. [Read more…]

Understanding Anger: Managing and Reducing Unnecessary Outbursts

Anger is a natural human emotion that we all experience from time to time. It can arise due to various triggers, such as frustration, injustice, or feeling threatened. While anger can be a valid response, it is essential to learn how to manage and reduce unnecessary anger. [Read more…]

The Impact of Poor Sleep

The impact of poor sleep on our health and well-being is significant and far-reaching. When we’re unable to  get enough quality sleep, it can lead to physical, mental and emotional problems. Here are a few of the ways poor sleep can affect us, and some tips to help us alleviate poor sleep-quality: [Read more…]