Single and Looking for Love?

Have you ever thought, unromantic as it is, how looking for that new relationship can be very similar to ‘job hunting’? (ouch!) We want to ‘sell’ ourselves and be viewed as trustworthy and pleasing to that someone who just might become the significant other and with whom we might have a future. Unlike the job hunt though, we want to be lucky in love. [Read more…]

Ding Ding! Seconds out!

Are you ready for the fight? Who are your supporters? Who’s in your corner when you have a fight on your hands?

With the boxing metaphor, your ‘seconds’ are those in your corner who have your interests, success, and welfare in mind. They are there to help you prepare for a future fight, they are there during a fight and are there after the fight. [Read more…]

How Looking After ‘You’ Looks After Your Success in Life

Do you take care of your emotional wellbeing? What does that even mean? 

If you fail to take care of your emotional wellbeing, it is easy to exist in a routine zombie-like state, wanting for ‘something’ but unsure of what it even may be. You will fail to find consistent focus and end each day stressed and resentful; sleeping poorly before burning straight through the next day.
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