How to Unwind After a Long and Stressful Day at Work

We thank our guest Kurtis Wilcox for sharing these great tips with us.

Restoring energy inspires a more positive outlook on life, which is no fun for those who are over-worked and suffering from constant stress. This article will help provide easy, gentle, and effective ways to relax and recharge after work for better sleep, brighter mornings and a bigger smile. [Read more…]

Healthy Lifestyle Changes to Adopt Going into Our 30’s

Tracie Johnson here shares some quick tips on some lifestyle changes that can benefit us as we head into our thirties.

By the age of 30, we all start feeling some of the natural effects of aging. Aging is not something we’re able to avoid, but we can minimize its impact. Healthy lifestyle choices lessen the side effects normally associated with age. Let’s take a look at five ways we can start living healthier now.

1. Sprinkling Activity Throughout Our Day

Most of us work rather sedentary jobs, hardly getting up during the day. Every once in a while, we’ve got to move our body around. Otherwise, our bodies begin to stiffen, making movement painful. Try getting up once an hour to walk around the office. Remote workers could simply take a walk through their neighbourhood. Just a few minutes of activity can help to negate muscle loss. [Read more…]

What to Do If You Are a Highly Sensitive Person

With gratitude to our guest author, Pol Cousineau, from CPA (Quebec) and Soul Success Unleashed who discusses HSP.

Many individuals experience a range of emotions daily. Maybe you’ve asked yourself, Am I being too sensitive? Or how do I become less sensitive? 

It is human nature for some people to experience a high intensity of feelings regarding their situations or the experiences of others. But just like how tall a person is, there’s no right amount of sensitivity. Highly sensitive people are no worse off or better than any other individual, they just look at life from a different perspective. [Read more…]

Alcohol Addiction and Short v Long-Term Supports

A short informational piece from our guest author at the AbbeyCare Foundation Group


When alcohol use has developed into more than an occasional indulgence, it’s usually a sign of underlying psychological issues that need to be addressed. Establishing the pattern behind addiction, and what alcohol consumption is doing “for” you, can help identify the underlying beliefs and trauma that may need resolution. [Read more…]

Grow Your Own Self-Esteem

Therapist and Counsellor at Anglia Counselling, Penni Osborn, shares with us here her imaginative and her inspirational perspective of self-esteem, and how we should all get growing more!

When I think of healthy self-esteem I imagine it as a flourishing garden, filled with beautiful flowers, shrubs and trees. Pastels and vibrant hues nestling side by side in a wonderfully natural space, each existing exactly where it should be – confident and comfortable to be where they are – each individual plant or tree has earned its rightful place in amongst all the other plants and trees. And when some begin to fade (as some plants do with time), new seeds arrive creating an ever-changing environment; alive, thriving and continually renewing and growing. [Read more…]

How Does Yoga Decrease Anxiety?

We welcome guest author Gabie Lazareff, a certified health coach, yoga teacher and freelance nutrition & wellness writer. After years of navigating the messy waters of mental health, her mission is to share her experiences and advice with others.

Through breathing, the simple practice of breathing, with intent on a regular basis can help to decrease anxiety. But how does breathing decrease anxiety? And what does breathing have to do with yoga?

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Are you too defensive?

Criticism, at home or in the workplace can hard to take. It can be embarrassing. It can prompt feelings of being devalued or inadequate in some way. When we’re on the receiving end of criticism from a loved one, colleague, boss or friend it can feel like a personal attack. It’s perfectly natural, therefore, to react to this attack defensively. Reacting, however, is different from responding. [Read more…]