How Walking Can Help Manage Our Stress Levels

We welcome back Rebecca Brown, a translator and avid traveller, a book worm and horror flick enthusiast. Her job has given her the amazing opportunity to travel to dozens of countries around the world, and then write about them on Rough Draft. This time around, Rebecca covers how walking can help us to manage our stress levels.

The physical effects of walking are well known to us all – it increases our cardiorespiratory fitness, bone and muscle strength, as well as endurance. At the same time, walking contributes to fat reduction and better weight management, thus reducing the risk of many chronic diseases.

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Who the Heck Needs Counselling Anyhow?

Because even if I do have challenges (and don’t we all), I don’t want to be considered a failure. It’s not like I’m sick! (Psst! You don’t need to be ill to gain new perspectives.)  The cultural shift is under way. People ARE becoming more comfortable engaging a counsellor because the psychological wellbeing knowledge base is growing. IT’s out there! [Read more…]

I’d Sooner Fix the Car than the Mind!

The truth is, who wouldn’t sooner fix the car or some other mechanical part of our lives? Who ever heard of a ‘mechanical’ stigma? When the car breaks down or needs attention, we might get emotional about it. The inconvenience, cost, all sorts of judgements but mostly we know it has to be done, and so we bite the bullet. [Read more…]