Hints and Tips to Understand and Move through Anxiety

Does anxiety keep knocking on the door of your life and have you tried opening the door?

When we stop trying to push back the discomfort of anxious thoughts, and open up to possibilities around where they may originate from, and what they are associating with today, we can find they become less impactful, resolving even to a manageable level. This is important for a number of reasons: [Read more…]

Why I can’t get no satisfaction!


I can’t get no… satisfaction.


What a great song from the Rolling Stones, and how apt for this blog! We spend much of our existence wanting for things to be different, waiting for that next thing. In fact, being anywhere but the only place we can ever really live our life, here and now, in this moment. So how does this manifest, and what does it mean for us?

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Is Anxiety Getting Enough Attention?

In 2013, it was frequently cited across the media that one in four individuals are likely to suffer debilitating depression related illness, and this may, in my opinion be a conservative figure. It’s now 2017 and I have been focusing on the subject of anxiety recently by releasing 10 Steps to Conquering Your Anxiety and Living with Anxiety.

As a service provider, in this particular field, I see a greater number of clients whose primary symptoms are anxiety-related and yet anxiety-related illness appears to receive less attention, or is lower on the agenda for health and wellbeing. [Read more…]

MiCBT – Mindfulness integrated CBT

This is a wonderful therapy model bringing together the power of Mindfulness, integrated with the more widely recognised principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

Having recently completed a level five diploma in CBT – and having been a practitioner of mindfulness for some years offering both to appropriate clients in my private practice, MiCBT appears to be a collaboration of some significance for those wishing to embrace them together, whether as a therapist or recipient.

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Ruminate to Ruination

One of our greatest national pastimes reported to me by clients when booking an appointment, or in the therapy room, is ‘mind-chatter’, also known as ‘monkey-mind’.

When a busy mind consists of ruminations that have little basis on reality, and are left unchecked, we miss out on life here and now, the only place we can ever really be! [Read more…]

What Are my Options for Accessing Mental Health Care?

Below is a link to a 5 minute video that painfully illustrates some of the challenges a person faces when they do pluck up the courage to seek help with their emotional, psychological distress. It also provides a candid overview of some of the responses of GP’s and surgery staff and, helpfully, what mental health advocates “Time to Change” (TTC) are trying to address. Please do watch before reading on.

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Is All Counselling the Same?

There are more than one hundred talking therapies available to help guide you through your emotional and mental health challenges. With so many, which one is right for you?

Clearly, I’m unable to cover all available options here… even if I knew them all! What we can do, however, is explore a short journey around some of the offerings, and considerations.

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