The Impact of Poor Sleep

The impact of poor sleep on our health and well-being is significant and far-reaching. When we’re unable to  get enough quality sleep, it can lead to physical, mental and emotional problems. Here are a few of the ways poor sleep can affect us, and some tips to help us alleviate poor sleep-quality: [Read more…]

How to Unwind After a Long and Stressful Day at Work

We thank our guest Kurtis Wilcox for sharing these great tips with us.

Restoring energy inspires a more positive outlook on life, which is no fun for those who are over-worked and suffering from constant stress. This article will help provide easy, gentle, and effective ways to relax and recharge after work for better sleep, brighter mornings and a bigger smile. [Read more…]

Healthy Lifestyle Changes to Adopt Going into Our 30’s

Tracie Johnson here shares some quick tips on some lifestyle changes that can benefit us as we head into our thirties.

By the age of 30, we all start feeling some of the natural effects of aging. Aging is not something we’re able to avoid, but we can minimize its impact. Healthy lifestyle choices lessen the side effects normally associated with age. Let’s take a look at five ways we can start living healthier now.

1. Sprinkling Activity Throughout Our Day

Most of us work rather sedentary jobs, hardly getting up during the day. Every once in a while, we’ve got to move our body around. Otherwise, our bodies begin to stiffen, making movement painful. Try getting up once an hour to walk around the office. Remote workers could simply take a walk through their neighbourhood. Just a few minutes of activity can help to negate muscle loss. [Read more…]

How Walking Can Help Manage Our Stress Levels

We welcome back Rebecca Brown, a translator and avid traveller, a book worm and horror flick enthusiast. Her job has given her the amazing opportunity to travel to dozens of countries around the world, and then write about them on Rough Draft. This time around, Rebecca covers how walking can help us to manage our stress levels.

The physical effects of walking are well known to us all – it increases our cardiorespiratory fitness, bone and muscle strength, as well as endurance. At the same time, walking contributes to fat reduction and better weight management, thus reducing the risk of many chronic diseases.

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6 Ways for Students to Keep ‘Brain Healthy’

As we are aware, continuous learning throughout life is essential to keep “those cogs” active. This can, however, be a challenge at the best of times and never more so than at a time when we are now considering that a ‘new normal’ may be on the horizon. We welcome back Marquis who takes us through 6 areas to consider for our wellbeing that contribute to our brain health. 

Having a healthy body means more than just maintaining a good physique. Apart from eating healthy and exercising regularly, it’s also important that you keep our mind in good shape. So, whether we are into athletics, sports, performing arts or pure academics while in college, a healthy brain is important. But, what can we do to maintain a sound mind? [Read more…]

Is it time to quit your job?

With the new year upon us, many of us are thinking about the things we’d like to change or do differently. This is a lovely infographic taking us through the steps to decide if we need to make the drastic move of quitting our job or if we can work around any challenges we might be facing.

If you do decide it’s time for a change and would like some guidance click here.

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How the Use of Ayurveda is Beneficial

Another insightful piece by yoga teacher, Manmohan Singh introducing us to the use of Ayurveda and the benefits that can be gained from this treatment and its practices.

Ayurveda is an approach based on the consciousness of the human mind and body. Ayur means ‘life’ and veda means ‘science’. Ayurveda teaches us a way of life to have a healthy body and mind. According to Ayurveda, a healthy mind leads to a healthy body and vice versa as they are connected. Treatments are given through natural therapies and lifestyle interventions. [Read more…]

Remove Mental Stress by Practising Yoga

We welcome yoga teacher, Manmohan Singh, who takes us through some of the poses that can help alleviate mental stress which also have many other benefits when practiced. Manmohan organises 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature, the Himalayas and trekking in India.

Every soul wants to feel like they have wings attached to their mind, and not just the shoulders. The reason is the airy vibe which allows people to taste the freedom and move wherever their heart takes them. On the other hand, a chaotic mind is a little devil which pulls us back from experiencing the feeling of ‘letting go’. So, the only solution to live an unforgettable life is to clear unwanted stress from our mind and make space for life-long cherished memories. [Read more…]

7 Games with Incredible Benefits to Improve Brain Function

Our latest guest author is Hugh Fennell, a psychologist and blogger who writes on various topics including health and self-development. Here Hugh briefly takes us through seven games that can help to improve our brain function whilst having some fun and relaxation. Which are your favourites?

When we think of a game, the first thing that usually comes to mind is the term ‘fun’. However, there are many more benefits from playing games than just having a good time. Games can help improve how our brain functions, processing speed, and boost memory. A study by the University of London found that playing some types of video games can help our brain to process things faster and to think strategically. Gaming is a mental exercise, and like any other workout, it can improve our quality of life. Let’s take a look at 7 games with incredible benefits. [Read more…]


In part three from her series introducing us to maternal mental health, Anne Marie McKinley (who is a Midwife and Birth Trauma Specialist) guides us through ‘happiness’ – some of the research done, how it affects our lives and how it can shape our future generations.

Happiness has been studied in many ways. One study which looked at the biological factors that influence happiness and health and concluded that both biological and health factors underlie happiness. Genetics play a role too, and have a clear and significant effect on happiness (Dfarhud et al., 2014). 1 Another study demonstrates that about 33% of the variation in human life satisfaction is explained by genetics (De Neve etal., 2012/2013). 2 [Read more…]