Suicide: A Permanent Fix to a Temporary Problem #JustTalk

I find myself yet again sadly reminded of the pain associated with learning of an individual’s death via suicide – and the effects it has on friends, colleagues, and loved ones. I don’t know why exactly, but this time the news has triggered me to consider pushing the issue even further into the public eye with #JustTalk.

Because we all still need to make further attempts to end the stigma, I’m going to demonstrate that it is safe to share, to talk, and there is no shame necessary. * May contain triggering subject matter. [Read more…]

Cycling the Planet for Suicide Prevention

Anglia Counselling was honoured to be asked to help promote and share this wonderful mission being planned and undertaken by Breifne Earley.

“Breifne Earley set off from his home in Leitrim on 22 February 2014 for a worldwide trip to help raise awareness of depression, mental health and suicide prevention, cycling through Ireland, Wales, England, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, America, Mexico, Costa Rica, Northern Ireland, Spain. At 34, he is now back home and happy to share his new life adventures and experiences with you.”

Breifne also entered the 2014 World Cycle Race to spread the message “It’s OK not to feel OK” and won! He then went on to release his book Pedal The Planet in 2016.

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Emotionally Distressed? We get to choose.

When others choose to deliberately cause harm and distress, the power around whether they succeed lies within us. Malevolent in their actions and intent, ‘Trolls‘, or as I will coin them, ‘flies‘, and the results of their actions are a growing and regular news item – which of course suits their need for being validated – and perhaps helps them feel they are of some perverse value.


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