Do you have a cancellation policy?
Yes. It’s clear that there are times where cancelling a booked appointment may be necessary. However, it should be stressed that when booking an appointment, the service provider has committed that time and the facilities to that booking and contract. You are buying something of value, whether it is possible to attend or not.
When you book an appointment, you are reserving a room and my time exclusively for your needs. If you need to cancel your appointment for any reason, you may do so (without charge) by giving at least 48 hours notice. This allows me enough time to re-book the cancelled appointment slot and avoid unnecessary service disruption. It also provides an opportunity for those on the waiting list to be accommodated.
Please note that “no shows” and cancellations with less than 48 hours notice will be charged for in full. If you need to cancel your appointment please call 07747 042899. If you get through to voicemail, please leave a message stating slowly and clearly:
- that you wish to cancel
- your name and telephone number
- date and time of your appointment
- whether you wish to reschedule
I can then contact you to make arrangements for an alternative appointment should you require one.